Martha Turnbull appointed Director of Community of Interest on Hybrid Influence

Martha Turnbull took up the position of Director of the Community of Interest on Hybrid Influence (COI HI) at Hybrid CoE on 29 May 2024.

“Martha’s broad expertise on hybrid threat-related issues will strengthen Hybrid CoE’s knowledge base, and I am very happy to welcome her to lead COI HI,” said Director Teija Tiilikainen. “I also very much look forward to working with her in the Centre’s leadership, as Martha will be joining the executive team.”

Martha is a career diplomat in the UK Foreign Service and has spent the past 15 years working on various national security issues, including hybrid threats and counter-terrorism. She was previously posted to Abu Dhabi as the Gulf Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, responsible for overseeing the UK’s counter-terrorism support to five Gulf States. More recently, Martha has been based in London as one of the Deputy Heads of the State Threats Unit, with responsibility for analysis, data, and open source reporting.

“I’m delighted to take up this role and to promote the UK’s ongoing support for the Centre. The threats we face continue to evolve, so the Centre’s work is vital in order to share understanding and promote best practice. I look forward to working with all the Participating States over the course of my posting,” Martha commented. 

Hybrid CoE’s mission is to strengthen its Participating States’ security by providing expertise and training for countering hybrid threats, and by enhancing EU-NATO cooperation in this respect. The Centre is an autonomous hub for practitioners and experts, located in Helsinki, Finland.

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