Hybrid CoE presents the first year results in Brussels

Today Hybrid CoE’s two Communities of Interests (CoIs) presented the results of the first year of the Centre’s activities to member state and the EU and NATO representatives in Brussels

CoI Influence, led by the UK focused during 2018 on election interference, disinformation and OSINT, as well as organising table-top exercises in order to build member states’ capabilities for countering malign influencing.

CoI Vulnerabilities and Resilience led by Finland focused on four rather technical work strands: legal resilience, maritime vulnerabilities, drones and energy supply networks. The aim of the work strands was to improve understanding of hybrid threats and vulnerabilities Western democratic states share, as well as increase resilience by sharing best practices, making new policy proposals and improving application of common norms to minimize the possibility of adversaries being able to exploit the existing vulnerabilities.

First findings regarding the conceptualization of Hybrid Warfare were also introduced. COI Strategy & Defence (established in Aug. 2018) led by Germany introduced its aim, purpose, lines of effort and methodological approach. Overarching objective is to contribute to the education of common and comprehensive judgment of Participants, EU and NATO regarding hybrid warfare, related strategies and resulting implications for security policy, military and defence.

Reports with key findings covering all the topics covered by the two CoIs Influence and Vulnerabilities and Resilience will be distributed to all the member states and the EU and NATO.

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