StratDoc Analysis workstrand kick-started

COI Strategy & Defence kick-started its new StratDoc Analysis workstrand with a virtual brainstorming event on 27 January.

By introducing the workstrand and the preliminary work already carried out by COI Strategy & Defence in mapping the relevant strategy and policy documents, the event identified the particular interests and needs of Hybrid CoE Participating States, the EU and NATO. The active brainstorming session provided inspiration and helped to focus the future work of the new workstrand.

The objective of the workstrand is a systematic comparative analysis and assessment of the ‘hybrid threats/conflict/warfare complex’ in the official strategy and policy documents of Hybrid CoE Participating States, the EU and NATO. To this end, the workstrand is designed to achieve a better mutual understanding among the different parties regarding their interpretation of and response to hybrid challenges. It aims to identify gaps in a more systematic manner, share experiences and best practices, and provide mutual inspiration.

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